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The Power of Weee!

Chakra Alchemy Coloring Activity Workbook - Audiobook

Narrated by the author:  Cathryn Barkulis-Smith

In paperback, eBook, 2-Double Pack CD Set and Streaming Audio by Chapter! 

All of our audio tracks are available on nearly all Streaming Music Services. 

If you have a streaming Music Service you already have free access to all of our recordings :) Here are a just a few:   Spotify, AppleMusic, iTunes, Deezer, Tidal, AmazonMusicUnlimited, Pandora, YouTubeMusic, GooglePlayMusic, iHeartRadio, SoundCloud, Napster (formally Rhapsody)

Simply Cathryn talks about the Root Chakra

Chapter 11 - Part 1 - The Root Chakra by Simply Cathryn

CLICK on PIC to Listen with your favorite Streaming Audio Service.

Simply Cathryn talks about the Sacral Chakra.

Chapter 11 - Part 2 - The Sacral Chakra by Simply Cathryn

CLICK on PIC to Listen with your favorite Streaming Audio Service.

Simply Cathryn & TonyD talk about a new Energy Center.

Chapter 11 - Part 3 - Chakra 2.5 - The Gut Instinct Center

CLICK on PIC to Listen with your favorite Streaming Audio Service.

Simply Cathryn Talks about the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Chapter 11 - Part 4 - The Solar Plexus Chakra by Simply Cathryn

CLICK on PIC to Listen with your favorite Streaming Audio Service.

Simply Cathryn talks about the Heart Chakra.

Chapter 11 - Part 5 - The Heart Chakra by Simply Cathryn

CLICK on PIC to Listen with your favorite Streaming Audio Service.

Simply Cathryn talks about the Throat Chakra.

Chapter 11 - Part 6 - The Throat Chakra by Simply Cathryn

CLICK on PIC to Listen with your favorite Streaming Audio Service.

Simply Cathryn talks about the Third Eye Chakra.

Chapter 11 - Part 7 - The Third Eye Chakra by Simply Cathryn

CLICK on PIC to Listen with your favorite Streaming Audio Service.

Simply Cathryn talks about the Crown Chakra.

Chapter 11 - Part 8 - The Crown Chakra by Simply Cathryn

CLICK on PIC to Listen with your favorite Streaming Audio Service.

Cathryn's Guide to Gaia's Bounty 

Medicine Woman Simply Cathryn shares her 40+ years of experience in naturapathy, homeopathy, essential oils, herbs and spices.

Medicine Woman Simply Cathryn's
​Nature's Sunshine
​Product Link

I am an Independent Distributor for the finest herbal, nutritional, aromatherapy and flower essence products in the US. 

Simply Cathryn's Blogs

Simply Cathryn teaches how to make food your medicine, and how to live life to the fullest utilizing what you already have right in front of you. With great tips and advice on how to be the best you can be.

Children's Books by Cathryn

Simply Cathryn takes you and your first readers on a Journey through life's enchantments.